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Use our webhooks to have your agentic application react to asynchronous events outside of API responses.

Currently we only offer webhooks that alert you when workspace files are ready to download.

Workspace Files

This webhook is sent whenever a new file is available on a workspace:

"event": "workspaces.file_ready",
"data": {
"id": uuid,
"file": {
"id": uuid,
"name": string,
"url": uri,
"size": integer,
"createdAt": date-time

Configuring Webhooks

You can configure your webhook endpoints and find your signing secret in the AgentStation dashboard under 'Settings'.


Important webhook handler considerations:

  • 2xx response: Your webhook handler should return a HTTP 2xx Code
  • Retries: If AgentStation doesn't receive a 2xx response from your server, we will continue trying the message for 24 hours, with an increasing delay between attempts.
  • Timeouts: Webhook events have a timeout of 15 seconds. If you plan to kick off longer running tasks upon receiving certain events, make sure to do this asynchronously so you respond to requests before they time out.