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Agent Context

The optional Agent Context parameters give your Agent background knowledge, goals, and guidance. These parameters are passed to the LLM every time it generates a response, or selects the next topic.


An array of strings that give the LLM an overview of its role, persona, and objectives during the conversation.

"instructions": [
"You are a professional who works at a company called AgentStation.",
"Currently you are on a call with a potential customer for AgentStation who is evaluating the product.",
"GOAL/OBJECTIVE: Provide quality information and demonstrate the product to the user.",
"PERSONALITY TRAITS: You are enthusiastic, concise, and clear.",


An array of facts or key points about the company, product, or service. This section is designed to equip the LLM with any necessary background information.

"knowledge": [
"AddMax is a platform to create video agents that can be used for sales, marketing, and customer support.",
"AddMax video agents are available 24/7 and can be accessed via a link at any time.",
"AddMax video agents can be used to qualify prospects, provide product demos, and answer questions in real-time.",


A list of Frequently Asked Questions that the user may ask during conversation, with each question containing:

  • question: The query posed by the user.
  • answers: An array of potential answers the LLM can provide.
"FAQ": [
"question": "Is this conversion scripted?",
"answers": [
"The conversation is partially scripted, but flexible and branching based on your responses.",
"Some of my explanations are scripted, but anything you ask me I am responding to on the fly!"


A list of common objections the user might have, with strategies for how the LLM should address them. Each contains:

  • question: The query posed by the user.
  • answers: An array of potential answers the LLM can provide.
"objection_handlers": [
"question": "What if I receive too much spam in my Gmail account?",
"answers": [
"Gmail's spam filtering is very effective, and you can also manually mark emails as spam to improve filtering.",
"If you are struggling with spam volume, reviewing your spam settings can also help manage unwanted emails."