Creates and initializes a new Workstation instance based on the specified Workstation Type. The Workstation will be provisioned with hardware and software resources defined by the type. If no type is specified, the 'default' type will be used. Returns a Workstation object containing connection details and status information.
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 422
- 429
- 500
- 503
Workstation successfully created and initialized. Returns the Workstation object containing connection details, status, and resource information.
Invalid Request Format - check API documentation for proper syntax.
Unauthorized - missing or invalid API key.
Payment Required - you have run out of trial credits or your payment method has expired. Please add payment details to your account.
Unprocessable Entity - cannot find requested asset associated with your API key.
Too Many Requests - you have exceeded the rate limit for your account. Please wait before making additional requests.
Internal Server Error - please retry your request.
Service Unavailable - our servers have dropped the request due to high load - please retry.